Haida Tattoo Shop in Daajing Giids

About Haida Inkk

Shop is temporarily closed till summer 2025 for structural renovations.

Guest Spots in Oliver, BC at Divine Ink and Liquid Amber Tattoo Collective till then.

Haida Inkk  is located on beautiful islands of Haida Gwaii in the southern town of Daajing Giids. Haida Inkk has a supportive, comfortable, clean and safe tattoo environment.  The shop has a Northern Health permit, licensed/certified tattoo artist Gregory N. Williams (Gig) who specializes in Haida Formline, and realism.

For Appointments

EMAIL gig@haidainkk.ca

TEXT/CALL (778) 260-4655



3-3207 Wharf St.
Daajing Giids, BC

“Tattoos can connect a person to their culture and history, to life in the present and dreams for the future. When I practice this art form, I am tattooing a part of a persons soul into their skin, to be shared with the world “

K’aajuu Gaaya – Gregory Williams (GiG)